American: American cockroach adults grow to approximately 2 inches in length and are reddish-brown in color. They live in wood piles, decaying trees, sewer systems, and inside and outside of buildings. They are scavengers that feed on decaying organic matter and a variety of other foods.

Brown Banded: Brown banded cockroaches are one of the smaller species of cockroaches, being only about 5/8 inches in length with a tan to light brown coloring and wings. They do not need a lot of moisture to survive and are often found in living rooms and bedrooms. They will eat nearly anything but avoid sunlight.

German: The German cockroach measures approximately .51 – .63 inches long, and its coloring can be tan through brown to almost black. It has two dark parallel streaks running from the head to the base of wings, which are unable to sustain flight. This cockroach can be seen in the day occasionally, especially if there is a large population or if they have been disturbed. They emit an unpleasant odor when excited or frightened and produce large numbers of nymphs from each egg case.

Oriental: Oriental cockroaches are native to the Middle East, but have become distributed throughout much of the United States. Their development cycle is seasonal with more adults found in late spring or early fall, decreasing by late summer or early fall. They are glossy dark brown to black in color. Females are nearly 1 ¼ inches long with short lobe wings. Males are 1 inch long and their wings cover most of the body. They do not fly or move very quickly. They live in cool, moist places, such as beneath leaves, under porches and in plant compost. basements, cellars and crawl spaces.

Smokeybrown: This species of cockroach is fairly large, growing to be nearly 1.5 inches long. They are similar to the American cockroach but can be identified by their dark brown coloring and a shiny body. They also eat nearly anything but require water every few days.