Bumble Bee: Bumble bees have a hairy or fuzzy abdomen and are recognized by the black and yellow patches on their bodies. They nest in the ground making colonies of up to a few hundred individuals.

Carpenter Bees: Carpenter bees resemble bumble bees but can be distinguished by the shiny surface on the top of the abdomen. They nests in hollows of wood and sometimes drill into cedar and other wood used in buildings.

Honey Bee or Honeybee: Honeybees have a bright color pattern and stinger to defend themselves. They will often be found carrying pollen as they are responsible for helping to pollinate plants. Similar to other types of bees, they tend to build nests in hollow trees as well.

Red Wasp: Red wasps are often times called a “paper wasp.” They are about 1 inch in length with thin black bodies. Many people mistake a red wasp for a yellow jacket.

Yellowjacket: The name yellow jacket causes much confusion because it is sometimes applied to the whole family. The eastern yellow jacket is one of the more common species in the east, but it is replaced by other species in the south and in the west. Yellow jackets typically nest in the ground, but they may nest in trees or structures. They collect caterpillars and other insects as a protein source for their larvae. They also forage for sweet substances like fruit. Their sting is painful.